During the weekend of March 4 - 6, 2005, a group of internet friends decended upon an unsuspecting Green Bay, WI for three days of sleigh rides, High Maintenance Hamburgers, Karaoke, fried cheese curds and the infamous Bad Bar. It was an awesome weekend! Really! Just check out these pictures! Cheers!
Obligatory shot of my gorgeous room at Saint Brendan's Inn. I totally forgot to get a shot of the chair that was beside the bed - it was a recliner! A recliner! In a hotel room! Decadent, I tell you!
Sink area and "water closet". The "bathroom" area took up half of the room space! Half! It was very luxurious!
The whirlpool tub. Oooh, yeah!! I chose this (and some of the wine I picked up after the sleigh ride) over going to the Bad Bar. Sure the Bad Bar was, er, bad (where "bad" means "good"), but a hot, steamy bubbling tub is just, well, better!
That's a rainfall shower right there; probably the most incredible shower experience I've ever had! The water comes out gently, yet the pressure is good enough to rinse all the shampoo and conditioner out of one's hair. Truly awesome!
Walking out to the sleigh. Lookit all the snow! We truly had the perfect evening for this: they'd just gotten more light fluffy, snow that day, so the bare branches of the trees had about an inch of snow sitting on them. It was beautiful and magical!
Here I am, breaking in my new flask! The flask was, incidently filled with some delicious grog - I tried the grog before I tried the Doctor, and after having some Doctor (and then having some more, then a little more, and hey, wouldja quit hogging the Doctor down there!), I dumped out the grog. It was good grog, though, don't get me wrong, it's just that the Doctor kicked the grog's ass and took names.
More Weetacon attendees. Oh, and the guy in the cool ear-flap hat? Weet's hubby Esteban.
Strike a pose! There were dozens of cool pictures like this, but sadly, my camera battery died. *sob*
The ultimate WeetaCon Swag! Weet brought a bunch of wine and liquour from her liquour cabinet to the Tailgating after the Sleigh ride, and begged us to take stuff back with us, so she wouldn't have to try to take it home. I saw this lovely litre bottle of Hogue Cellars Merlot, and cheerfully took it off her hands!
I really must apologize for the super poor quality of these pictures. I don't know if the lighting was just too low for the disposable camera I was using, or if it was an old camera, or what. Only a few came out worth a damn, however, like this one of Kelly and Jen scribbling down their song choices while Minarae and Boston Mary look on.
A bounty of swaggy goodness! There were scarves, cows, and candy cigarettes, mix CDs, WeetaCon buttons and mini bottles of Kentucky whiskey, pendants, candy and condoms! And, much, much more!
I couldn't resist taking this picture! I haven't seen a cigarette dispenser in probably 25 years! It just cracked me up!
A shot of the Fox River from the window at the end of the hallway. Again, I apologize for the distortion caused by the screen on the window.
This has been mentioned in Weet's diary quite often, so it was imperitive that we all go experience the culinary treat that is the High Maintenance Hamburger, i.e., Joe Rouer's Bar.
My God, just look at this awesome platter of incredible cheeseburgers! Seriously, y'all? These totally kick In-N-Out's butt! Also pictured: deep fried cheese curds and fried onion wedges. *drool* (pardon me.)
Weet said this was the perfect picture to showcase Wisconsin in winter: flat and white. (picture taken just outside the High Maintenance Hamburger place)
Hallowed ground, people! This is the Lambeau Field Atrium where the statues of Vince Lombardi and Curly Lambeau are.
This is the back of the Lombardi statue. I love the detail of the hands clasped behind his back.
The view out of my window at Saint Brendan's Inn. It would be much nicer, I'm sure, if there hadn't been a screen on the window. Still, it was a nice view!
Oh, there's a whole bunch of diarist here: Mare, TranceJen, Single Dad Guy, Deb, Petrouchka; I think Science Girl is in there, and is that Jessi? I'm not good identifying people from the back of their head.
Minarea showing off her numerous boobie stickers from her trip to The Bad Bar. Yours truly did not go to The Bad Bar, so, no, my boobies are not included.