Best of 2007

Yellow Flower, originally uploaded by LapisBlue.

A collection of what are (in my humble opinion) forty of the best photographs I took in 2007. Enjoy!

(A Very Brief) Rehab Recap

Rehab in Green Bay; just what the doctor ordered. Autumn colours – red, gold, orange, green - great friends, warm hugs and much squee. We had sushi at Little Tokyo, the good Doctor in multiple shot glasses at The Sardine Can; partied till the wee hours. Rock star limousine through Door County; stop to try the squeaky cheese curds, see the restaurant with the goats on the roof, buy some Ho-Made chopped cherry jam. Karaoke fell flat, but the night was warm and the company was warmer, and the Packers won on Sunday, so who cares? Can’t wait till next year!