NaNoWriMo Update and a Pep Talk to Myself
November 11, 2008
So, last night while waiting for a new bus to come pick us up after the one we were sitting on decided to quit running, I finally started working on my "novel" for NaNoWriMo. I currently have a whopping 250 words. Go me. Actually, I was just doing some freewriting based on an idea I had for a book, plunking away on britney treo. I was going great, getting all the characters named and getting the basic gist of the story I wanted to write and I was writing and writing and writing, and all of a sudden I stopped because the story started going waaayyy off course. It literally threw me out of the moment. I thought, that's it then, I'm done. But then I thought, wait: isn't this what NaNoWriMo is all about? Letting your brain go off in all different directions and see what you end up with on November 30th?
Yes, I answered myself. Yes it is.
So, I'm going to spend the next couple of hours just writing. Not thinking, writing! It doeswn't mtter if I end up with a decent rough draft of a novel (or series of short stories or whatever!) or just a bunch of gibberish, I've just got to write!