A is for Art (All About Me Blog Challenge) #allaboutme #Lovekate

For the first installment of the All About Me Blog Challenge over at Love, Kate's blog, I chose Art to represent the letter A. Art has always been a big part of my life from playing with colouring books or drawing stick figure pictures as a child to writing poems and stories, creating rubber stamped greeting cards, and taking artistic photos as an adult. 

Below are a couple of hand stamped cards I made for Thanksgiving and Christmas:


And a few years ago I made a chapbook featuring some of my hand stamped art, photography and writing including short stories, poetry and haiku:


Recently I have been participating in a Photo a Day Challenge hosted by Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim, and while I haven't always managed to take a photo for every topic or theme or whatever you want to call it, I have taken several pretty good shots. I posted 30 of my shots in a 30 Days of Creativity Wrap Up post just the other day. Check 'em out! 

I also enjoy viewing other people's art in museums, galleries, in coffee shops, or just on the street. 


Painting by a local artist displayed at Bru Coffeehouse in Atascadero, CA.


Graffiti found on a wall in an alleyway in San Luis Obispo, CA.


A statue in the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, CA.


A painting in progress in the gardens of the San Juan Capistrano Mission, San Juan Capistrano, CA.

'Till next time ... cheers!

Accidental Display #31Photosin31Days

Whilst deadheading my Midas Touch rose bush the other night, I accidently snipped off this blossom that had just started to open up. I felt so bad for the poor thing I took it inside to put it in water in the hopes that it will continue to bloom. Turns out my tall Lambeau Field shot glass make a perfect bud vase!

Midastouchrose1a poor little rose bud / your bloom was just beginning / you were snipped too soon