10. My outfit. Happy weekend! My weekend outfit consists of blue jeans, my Stonehenge tee shirt, and a navy cardigan. #augustbreak2019 #weekend #casualstyle #comfyoutfit
Holidailies 2019: Day 2

Holidailies 2019: Day 1

Greetings and welcome back to my poor, neglected blog for Holidailies 2019! It’s December 1st and I’m still on holiday (in Paris!!), so this is going to be a quick entry to say hey, hi, how’re ya doing? There are still two sights to visit today, and I still need to have some escargot because I’m in Paris! Also I still have to pack for the return trips (yes, that’s trips, plural) starting tomorrow. Phew! I’m tired already! 


Anyway, I don’t know if I’m going to manage to write a blog post everyday this month, but I’m going to try. Also this epic trip will provide me with at least five entries, and maybe more, I’ll see how it goes! For now I need to see if I can find some WiFi to post this. 

