Monthly Resolutions - December 2018
December 04, 2018
I haven't done a Monthly Resolutions post for several months, but since I'm trying to get back into the habit of blogging on a regular basis, coming up with some resolutions or goals for the month of December seems like a good idea. The whole idea of doing monthly resolutions was originally conceived by Kim, and while I'm not sure if she's still doing them, I'm all for giving credit where it's due. Since I know this will be a busy month, I'm going to try to keep my goals fairly easy and attainable so I don't stress myself out too much.
So, for the month of December I resolve to:
- Participate in Holidailies, and post a blog entry everyday.
- Participate in December Reflections and post a photo everyday.
- Create and mail out Christmas cards by 12/16/18.
- Finish colouring my 2019 calendar pages.
- Finish reading Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr by John Crowley
- Come up with Goals/Resolutions for 2019.
OK, I think that's enough to deal with this month! I hope you all have a great December, and accomplish all you want to! Cheers!