Friday Five: Highlights from My Long Weekend in Monterey
November 19, 2014
Hello, all, I'm back! My mom and I had a great time in Monterey, CA - it's so beautiful there, and we had fantastic weather pretty much the whole time! Anyway, here are a few highlights of the weekend:
1. Well, the view is obviously a huge highlight! We stayed at the Monterey Bay Inn with an ocean front room. It was awesome (except the beds - one King for mom and a sleeper sofa for me - weren't too terribly comfortable, and I smashed my finger in a slider I assumed would be bigger than two feet wide, but, that's just nit-picking!)! The sound of the waves (and gulls and seals) was so soothing, and my mom and I spent many, many hours just sitting on the balcony sipping wine or tea, watching the boats, birds, otters, and other sea life go by.
2. The whole reason we were even in Monterey was so I could participate in the Pacific Grove Lighthouse 5k race on Saturday. It was a perfect, beautiful day - sunshine and cool temperatures! The course was great, too. Mostly flat with a couple small inclines, and it ran right along the coast, so the view was gorgeous! Luckily I had enough predesone to get me through the race weekend, because I never would've made it without! I ended up finishing in 53 minutes 44 se3conds; my best 5k time this year! And, I got a medal!! So cool!
3. After the race, I stopped by the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the fishes and other critters. I've always loved that aquarium, and this visit didn't disappoint. It was really crowded, so I'm not sure how good any of my pictures will turn out, but I did get to see the gorgeous jellyfish display, and in the big tank I got to see a sting ray, hammerhead shark, and a couple giant sea turtles swim by! Totally awesome!
4. On Sunday, mom and I wandered around Cannery Row and checked out all the quaint little shops, as well as some wine tasting rooms. I didn't remember there were so many wineries set up along there, but I guess it has been a long time since I've visited. We got to try a couple new wines, and even picked up a couple bottles to enjoy during Thanksgiving and Christmas!
5. And, finally, this view, y'all. This view: