My Word For 2014
Had a spectacular #sunrise this morning! Sadly I was on the bus & couldn't get a decent shot.

Happy New Year and Resolutions

Hey, hello, and Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a safe and sane New Year's Eve and have fully recovered from their hangovers.

Because I enjoy setting myself up for failure as much as the next guy, I decided to go ahead and write up some New Year's Resolutions for 2014.  I have several that are sure things, but threw in a couple that will be more of a challenge as well, just to keep it interesting. So. Here goes nothing ...

1.  Run a 5K (yeah, let's just throw the cray cray one out there first!).

2.  Write more (blog posts as well as short stories, poems, and small stones).

3.  Cook healthier meals (including at least one vegetarian meal per month).

4.  Read ALL the instructions/directions BEFORE jumping into cooking a dish, putting something together, or basically doing anything!

5.  Take lots of really fabulous photographs.

6.  Read more good quality books and less "fluff".

7.  Spend more time outdoors.

8.  Be more creative.

9.  Be more active.

10.  Visit different places and try different things (also known as "get out of my rut").

So, did anyone else make any resolutions, or am I the only crazy one? Let me know, and maybe we can encourage each other throughout the year!

Wish me luck and I wish you the same! God bless!

