December Resolutions
December 09, 2013
Periodically I remember to do my monthly resolutions (which I picked up from Kim on her blog The Kim Challenge), but not often. This month, however, I remembered (late, but still ...)! So, without further ado, here are the things I'm going to attmept to accomplish this month:
1. Make and mail my Christmas cards before December 25th.
2. Call for a doctor appointment regarding the constant pain and stiffness I've had since August.
3. Post at least 25 days for Holidailies. (Yes, I know I am woefully behind on this goal already, but I hope to catch up this weekend!)
4. Cook up some delicious and healthy soups, stews, and casseroles.
5. Get to the gym 3 days a week.
Yikes! It seems like a lot now, and this month is already flying by! Wish me luck! Cheers!