#Christmas #nails: "Sugar Sugar" & "Call You Later", both by Sinful Colours.
My Word For 2014

A Look Back at 2013

Well, here we are at the end on another year. While 2013 wasn't totally dreadful for me and my family, it wasn't 100% fabulous, either, and several of my friends had a rather crappy time of it the past 365 days. So I'm kinda relieved to close the door on 2013 and open up the window for what will hopefully be a much, much better year!

Here are some highlights of 2013:

1.  Weetacon  - always and forever a good time!

2.  Hanging out with friends: visiting my BFF Jewel in Ohio and hanging out with Pammie Sue and DeeDee in SLO  - also a really good time!

3 . My cousin's wedding - fantastic and beautiful!

4.  Getting away from it all - a couple staycations at a couple gorgeous local towns (Avila Beach and Morro Bay)!

Some things that were not so good:

1.  My grandpa's passing.

2.  Developing debilitating pain and stiffness which prevents me from doing a lot of the things I enjoy.

Okay, so, I guess there were a lot more good things than bad things for me, which is quite positive actually! Still, I'm looking forward to starting a new year which will hopefully be filled with TONS of great times and ZERO bad times! (I'm nothing if not unrealistic! Heh!)

