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Friday Five '13D

  1. My mom and I tried to watch American Idol again Wednesday night and only made it to the first commercial break before switching it off and watching Face Off, a fantastic competition reality show we taped Tuesday night. AI is just really, really horrible.
  2. I absolutely LOVE the design of the bookbook case for the iPhone 5- it has a built-in camera hole!! The bookbook cover for the iPhone 4S doesn't have this feature, so you have to push the phone up out of the case a bit to expose the viewfinder to use the camera. Kind of a pain. Still, I'm not sure I want to upgrade to an iPhone 5 just to get a nicer phone case.
  3. Or DO I?
  4. Once again I was a lazy blogger this week. I'm still reading Summer and Bird (super good book, but I keep getting distracted), and haven't been anywhere or done anything interesting, so there's nothing to post. 
  5. Oh, except I did see a young fella strumming a guitar on the steps of the old courthouse building as I was waiting for the bus last night, so I did manage to get an interesting photo (edited with Snapseed since my Instagram app is all wonky):

TGIF and cheers!

Friday Five '13C

  1. My heart is broken. That is all.
  2. Honestly, I can't think of anything else to talk about this week. Except maybe how nice and soft and strong the Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues are when you're sobbing constantly into your foam cheesehead. *sniffle*
  3. In other news, I've started drinking green tea again. I'm not exactly sure why I stopped, except that I grew really fond of the Starbucks Via packets, particularly the Colombia roast, and started drinking that all day every day for the past few months. This week I ran out of the packets, and had nothing but green tea left in my drawer. I forgot how much I liked green tea, and hope to bring the habit back.
  4. So I sat down to watch American Idol on Wednesday night and was quite disappointed. Miriah Carey and Nikki Minaj came off as a couple of bratty, bitchy, snotty women and I disliked both of them within the first five minutes. Neither of the men really said much (I don't know who Keith Urban is, so I guess I'll reserve judgment on him, but I've always liked Randy Jackson, I just think they were both overshadowed by the two bitchy women), and I was really upset by how many perfectly good (yeah, not great, but still okay) singers they did NOT send to Hollywood. I ended up not watching the second hour of it, and I doubt I'll waste my time watching any more of the audition episodes. I might start watching again towards the end of Hollywood week, but honestly, I just don't like the look or feel of the new show or new judges.
  5. And, finally, your photo forthe week. It's a quick shot I took of my week 2 list for 52 Lists.  You can see the full list here. I would really like to do some more creative photography with my lists, but so far have not had the time or energy. Hopefully as the year progresses, I'll be able to do something slightly more interesting. Have a great weekend (3 days for some of us!). Cheers!

52 Weeks #2: List Your Greatest Comforts

  1. Soups and stews
  2. Watching the waves at the beach
  3. Afternoon naps
  4. Sitting in front of a roaring fire
  5. A mug of warm tea or coffee
  6. A glass of wine on a Friday night
  7. Taking a sleigh ride with my best friends
  8. Dr. McGillicuddy's Mentholmint Schnapps
  9. Soft, cozy sweaters
  10. Long, hot showers
  11. Macaroni and cheese
  12. Riding the bus
  13. Finishing a big project
  14. Getting letters via snail mail
  15. Going to museums and art galleries
  16. Sleeping in
  17. Bird watching
  18. Listening to music
  19. Reading a good book
  20. Hiking
  21. Daydreaming
  22. Petrichor
  23. Taking pretty pictures
  24. Getting a mani/pedi
  25. Preparing a delicious meal

Sepia Scenes: Old Photos

I think it's kinda sad when I see someone's old family photos for sale in an antique store/mall. I wonder who these people were, and why their family chose to give the pictures to a store to sell to strangers? Maybe there's no family left; the person was the last of their line, so the estate was distributed by an attorney or maybe a friend who had no emotional ties to the family or memories of the people in the photos. Whatever the case, it's sad. 

Teaser Tuesday: Summer and Bird by Katherine Catmull

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

•Grab your current read
•Open to a random page
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
•BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
•Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week I started reading Summer and Bird by Katherine Catmull, a magical, fairy-tale-type story about two sisters in search of their parents. I'm not too far into it, but so far I'm enjoying it.  

Here are my teasers from page 47 on my nook:

"Ah well," said Ben. "Sometimes sense hides behind walls. You must find a window and stick your head right in before you can see it."

52 Lists Week One

Week One of 52 Lists is: List the words that touch your soul. Here are mine:

  • love
  • family
  • friends
  • beach
  • ocean
  • waves
  • cozy
  • snuggle
  • gingerbread
  • peppermint
  • flowers
  • garden
  • waterfall
  • sunshine
  • snowflakes
  • river
  • travel
  • adventure
  • memories
  • photographs
  • art
  • spirit

Friday Five '13B

  1. Aaaaannd, now that Holidailies is over, I'm back to only posting once a week. If at all. I'm reading the same book (Splendors and Glooms - awesome, btw, but over 300 pages, so it's taking me a while to get through on the bus.), so no new Teaser Tuesday this week, and I can't find anything interesting to take pictures of, so there's no Photo-a-Day or Sepia Scenes, either. And I have comPLETEly forgotten about the Mindful Writing thing I signed up for. Gah! The only thing I can think to do this week is the Friday Five and just recap what went on this week.
  2. Which was ... ummm ... nothing, really. It was a pretty dull week - a typical week of work, exercise, eating and sleeping. And watching TV. Oh, I did see my chiropractor on Tuesday, which is always nice. Although I'm always afraid that my spine - particularly my neck - goes right back to wonky the minute I leave his office. Could just be my imagination, though.
  3. So, I tried to use up all the hair products I found under my sink whilst doing my Great Bathroom Cleanup of 2012 and quickly came to realize how they all ended up under my sink: They suck. The Miracle 7 mousse that claims to not dry crunchy dried crunchy, another mousse I can't remember the name of is too watery and gives my limp, lifeless hair no body or life whatsoever, the two detanglers don't detangle, the glossing/conditioning balms made my hair look greasy, and the hair sprays didn't hold my hair styles. So, they're all gone now. In their place are my old reliables: Miracle 7 conditioning leave-in detangler, Bioluxe conditioning creme, Pantene extra body mousse ,and Finesse extra hold hair spray. And, now I have happier hair.
  4. Today is my furlough. I'm hoping to go visit my grandfather (and wish him a belated happy 97th birthday!), and plot out some fabulous meals for the upcoming week.
  5. And, finally: GO PACKERS!!