Bru Coffeehouse Card #31Photosin31Days
The Mediterranean Inn #31photosin31days

Red and Orange at Tini Bigs #31Photosin31Days

Tini bigs 

In Seattle for my vacation with my friend Darlene (a/k/a/ DeeDee). We checked into our hotel and started exploring the Queen Anne area where we found Tini Bigs lounge and tried a couple of their colourful beverages: Orange and Red.


The Orange is made up of  "Orange infused vodka, fresh OJ & lime juices, orange curacao, orange blossom water".


The Red is "Berry infused vodka, fresh lemon juice, simple syrup, jasmine green tea tincture, rose water".

They were both pretty tasty! We might've found our "neighbourhood hangout" for the week!

Orange and red 
