Middle of August Garden Update
August 13, 2011
The squash plants might be on their last legs, but the rest of the garden is in full swing this week:
I still got one good-sized zucchini today and found another little yellow squash, but I left that for next week:
I'm still waiting for these two big green peppers to go red. I think it's just been too cool for them to turn.
The tomatoes, OH THE TOMATOES!!! I harvested a bunch of them, but there are SO many more that will be ready during the week as well as next weekend:
So, I got a pretty good haul again this week, including the biggest tomato we've harvested so far this year (from the Big Bertha plant):
And, I got it in the nick of time, considering it was starting to split! Anyway, until next time, cheers!