Earthbox Garden Week Four
May 14, 2011
Into week four and our little Earthbox garden is still doing pretty well.
The tomato plants are growing, and the Early Girl has a blossom as well as some buds, and the other one looks like it has a small bud, too:
Neither of the peppers look very good, in my opinion, but they appear to be growing, so I'm not too worried. The one still has a large bud in the middle and a couple smaller buds around it:
The squash look fantastic! Growing by leaps and bounds and such a beautiful dark green colour! I'm not sure if the zucchini has the start of a blossom on it or not:
The rest of the back yard looks really good, too. All the plants are HUGE, the yellowy-orangy flowers are bursting with blooms, as is the wild rose bush, and the plants we thought had frozen have come back big time:
Elsewhere, my Midas Touch rose is blooming beautifully, and the lavender in the pots are looking a lot better after I added some fertilizer to the pots a couple weeks ago: