New Year, New Camera
December 31, 2010
Well, I finally did it: I bought a new camera! Sure, my old camera still takes great pictures (the last shots will be featured the coming weeks), including the one above, but with the view screen no longer working and the zoom working only when it felt like it, it was frustrating and not as much fun to take pictures. So, I ran over to Best Buy today and after checking out a couple different cameras, decided on the one above: the Canon PowerShot SD1400 IS Digital ELPH. It's tiny - about the same width and height as my old Elphie, but at least half as wide. I'm going to have to be SO careful not to lose it! Or, you know, drop it in the soup!
Here's the first shot from the new camera:
So far I'm very happy with my purchase, but if this camera annoys me in any way, shape or form within the next 14 days, I can return it! Cool!