To remind you of the way this works, here’s how to play:
First — post your list of New Years’ Resolutions in a post at your blog (or in the comments here, if you don’t have a blog).
Second — every week, on Wednesday, write a new post about how you’re doing with each of your goals … you’ll have to list them, again, each week, as people won’t remember what you’re working towards, otherwise. Be brief in your updates, as there may be several blogs to visit! ((come give a quick update here at Should Be Reading, if you don’t have a blog)).
Third — after you’ve written your update, come back to Should Be Reading, and share your link so that we –the other New Beginnings participants– can stop by your blog and encourage you!
Important! … It would be absolutely great if you could visit at least ONE other participant’s blog on Wednesdays and leave a comment on their post to share some encouragement for their efforts! Show your support! That’s what this event is all about — standing by each other to finally reach our goals!
NOTE: Only two months left in the year! I can't believe it! I've narrowed my NB goals down again since there are only a few things that I even have time to attempt before 2011.
1. Health and Fitness
o Get down to size 14. To heck with this one, I'm just going to try to maintain my current weight loss through the end of the year.
o Try three new recipes per month (one of which will be vegetarian). I made a really delicious vegetarian Black-Eyed Pea Stew this past weekend which I was very happy about!
o Hit the gym four days per week. I've been back on track with this since recovering from a head cold and feel better than I have in several months!
2. Writing
Write a(nother) complete novel during NaNoWriMo. Nanowrimo began on Monday and so far I'm getting at least one hour of writing time in per day!
3. Photography
Skipping all the previous photo "goals". I will be participating in November's 26 Things Photographic Scavenger Hunt, but it will be a a bigger challenge than usual this time since I destroyed my camera over the weekend. grr!
4. Homefront
o Organize stuff. My stuff is pretty well organized right now, but who knows how long that will last.
o Reduce clutter. Sold a few more things on eBay lately, but will probably not add anything more until the beginning of next year.
5. Fun Stuff Deleted this one because I made it to the beach a couple times this year and gave up on the tattoo idea completely.