Clean Eating: Black-Eyed Pea Stew
October 30, 2010
This week's clean and healthy recipe comes from the March/April 2009 issue of Clean Eating magazine. Like last week's Salmon Corn Chowder, this is the first time I've tried this recipe and I'm wondering why?. It was super easy - just five ingredients! - and was a delicious vegetarian meal!
I've never had black-eyed peas or collard greens before and found both of them to be pretty darn tasty! The stew coulda used a little sprinklng of sea salt and fresh ground pepper - I totally forgot both of those things, and had used salt-free organic vegetable broth and diced tomatoes so there wasn't any salt in there at all! It was still pretty good, though and and the leftovers will make a yummy lunch tomorrow afternoon!
I'm really glad that one picture came out because right after that I tried to get a shot of the rest of the stew in the pot and totally dropped my camera in the stew! The camera still takes pictures, but the screen in the back is dead so I can't tell if I've turned off my flash or not, and can't tell if I'm on macro or not until I plug the card into a computer and check out the pics! Gah! I guess I'll be getting a shiny new toy for Christmas this year. Any suggestions on what my next camera should be?