Teaser Tuesday: Going Bovine by Libba Bray #Holidailies
2010: New Beginnings Starter Post

2010: New Beginnings #Holidailies

You know, I wasn't even going to bother with NYRs (New Year's Resolutions) this year. I've never kept them in the past, and even if I call them "goals" and make them reasonable, I still end the year with a giant NYR/"goal" FAIL. But, MizB at Should be Reading has this nifty idea which I think might just help me achieve/accomplish a goal or resolution. Or two. Or ... anyway, I figured, what the heck, I'll try it. Here's what New Beginnings is all about:

First — post your list of New Years’ Resolutions in a post at your blog (or in the comments here, if you don’t have a blog).

Second — every week, on Wednesday, write a new post about how you’re doing with each of your goals … you’ll have to list them, again, each week, as people won’t remember what you’re working towards, otherwise. Be brief in your updates, as there may be several blogs to visit! ((come give a quick update here at Should Be Reading, if you don’t have a blog)).

Third — after you’ve written your update, come back to Should Be Reading, and share your link so that we –the other New Beginnings participants– can stop by your blog and encourage you!

Important! … It would be absolutely great if you could visit at least ONE other participant’s blog  on Wednesdays and leave a comment on their post to share some encouragement for their efforts! Show your support! That’s what this event is all about — standing by each other to finally reach our goals!

So, now I just need to come up with some resolutions. I imagine they'll be the same as years past, but maybe I'll throw in a curve ball, or something. We'll see.

