Photo Friday: Brown

Friday Finds

Friday Finds (hosted by MizB at Should be Reading) is another new meme I've decided to try participating in. This weeks finds are:


beautiful boy by David Sheff is a book one of my coworkers asked us to pick up for her. I don't actually know what it's about, as I've never heard of it, but she seemed happy to get it.


I read Melissa Marr's first book, Wicked Lovely, a while ago and really liked it, so I'm excited to read Ink Exchange (it finally come out in paperback so I could buy it!). Of course, I also discovered that there's a third book - Fragile Eternity - which has the same characters from Wicked Lovely, whereas Ink Exchange introduces new ones.


It was 10 years ago this week that Rex Allen Krebs was arrested for the kidnap, rape and murder of two local college students. I still get chills thinking about that creepy man lurking around SLO and what he did to those two girls! Anyway, I don't normally read "true crime" books, but in honour of Rachel and Aundria, I'm going to give this one a shot.


Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock was a total impulse buy. I just saw the cover and the title and it caught my attention. The description on the back and the first review quote - "[A] deliciously frothy fairy tale." - Horn Book, starred review - sealed the deal.
