March 05, 2009
I am SO close to being on vacation I can SMELL it! This evening I'm off to Ohio to visit my friend Jewel. I haven't seen her since last September, so we have a LOT of catching up to do!
I'm also looking forward to:
- Browsing Sky Mall magazine. (I know it's not PC to lust after stupidly expensive and unnecessary crap, but I love looking at all the gadgets and fun stuff for sale!)
- Reading Hemispheres magazine - that's when you know you're on vacation!
- Flying. I really do love air travel despite the security, crowded flights and extra charges.
- Seeing Dash and Fester again.
- Meeting Esme - the new kitty.
- Maybe visiting with BloodBeth and JM?
- Perhaps a little shopping?
- I'm definitely excited for a change of scenery.
- Playing a Rummy tournament (or two).
- Going out to a movie. Or renting DVDs and staying in. Whichever.
- Drinking coffee and shooting the breeze.
- Eating out at different restaurants. (Max and Erma's? P.F. Chang's? Melting Pot? Yes, please, but only if my BFF is feeling well enough to enjoy it, too!)
- Just being on vacation!!!