Sunday in the Back Garden
Here in Ohio


I am SO close to being on vacation I can SMELL it! This evening I'm off to Ohio to visit my friend Jewel. I haven't seen her since last September, so we have a LOT of catching up to do!

I'm also looking forward to:

  1. Browsing Sky Mall magazine. (I know it's not PC to lust after stupidly expensive and unnecessary crap, but I love looking at all the gadgets and fun stuff for sale!)
  2. Reading Hemispheres magazine - that's when you know you're on vacation!
  3. Flying. I really do love air travel despite the security, crowded flights and extra charges.
  4. Seeing Dash and Fester again.
  5. Meeting Esme - the new kitty.
  6. Maybe visiting with BloodBeth and JM?
  7. Perhaps a little shopping?
  8. I'm definitely excited for a change of scenery.
  9. Playing a Rummy tournament (or two).
  10. Going out to a movie. Or renting DVDs and staying in. Whichever.
  11. Drinking coffee and shooting the breeze.
  12. Eating out at different restaurants. (Max and Erma's? P.F. Chang's? Melting Pot? Yes, please, but only if my BFF is feeling well enough to enjoy it, too!)
  13. Just being on vacation!!!
