I Love the Having Fun Part!
Sometimes Easier Said Than Done

Quick Lunchtime Update

So the release party for Brisingr never happened, but we didn't realize that until 10:50 Friday evening when they announced over the loudspeaker that Barnes and Nobel was closing. Before then Miss K., Miss S. and I were sitting in the cafe drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes, eating Pumpkin cheese cake and sharing all the gossip. It was really fun! Still, if we'd known they weren't going to sell Brisingr at midnight, we would've spent more time browsing for books before they closed. As it was Miss S. found the 10th anniversary edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, so she and Miss K. bought that; I found what looks to be a good book called Graceling by a new author Kristin Cashore.  I'm nearly finished with Eragon, and have Eldest waiting for me at the library, so it will be a while before I get to Graceling, but I decided to buy it anyway, because, dang it! I wanted to buy a book!!!.

In other news, my uncle from New York is visiting this week, and we had a mini-family reunion yesterday at my grandparent's house with my local aunt and uncle and their son and his girlfriend. We had a casual lunch of sandwiches, chips and dip, veggies and dessert. It was fun to just hang out and talk and watch football and enjoy each other's company, but exhausting, too.

There's more, but frankly I'm too tired to write much more. I still have to get through the next four hours of work, an hour at the gym with my trainer and try to watch Heroes  and ... oh, who am I kidding? I'll tape Heroes and just go to bed! I just hope I don't collapse into a snoring heap before then!
