Weekly Garden Update
What's Left in the Garden

Weekend Update

So, you might've noticed I picked up a copy of Breaking Dawn Friday night, or rather, Saturday morning. Miss K. and I went to California Pizza Kitchen after work for some dinner and drinks, and were met by her friend L. I made a complete pig out of myself and not only shared an appetizer with K., but had The Works pizza, a Spa Martini and two glasses of Chardonnay.




After dinner the three of us headed to Barnes and Nobel to await the release of Breaking Dawn. We settled at a table in the Cafe, grabbed some books and magazines and hung out. Eventually Miss S. joined us as well as a gentleman from work who brought his daughter and her friend to the event. It was exciting and fun, and I was surprised I managed to actually stay awake for the whole thing! I did have one of the specialty drinks the Cafe was having as part of the Breaking Dawn festivities (the Jacob's Hairy Eyeball, in case you're interested), but I really thought I would need more caffeine to get to midnight. I must admit I was pretty good, and only bought one other book besides Breaking Dawn - Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies - despite having three others I was thinking of getting. One of them -The Eyes of a King by Catherine Banner - Miss K. said she had and would loan me, the second one - Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr - I'm going to get from the library, and the third one (the title of which I can't recall right now, but it was about a garden that had special properties and the women who tended it had a special relationship with it, or something like that ... anyway), I decided to just wait on that one and see if I can get it from the library or a used book store instead.

Around 11:30 p.m. everyone in the book store lined up to await the release of the book. To keep everyone entertained, one of the employees read the last chapter from Eclipse which would've been really cool, except everyone started talking so we couldn't hear it. I suppose that's a good thing, though, since neither Miss K. or Miss S. have even finished the second book let alone the throed!

Finally, one minute after midnight, it was time! The line moved quickly and everyone was very well behaved, so all three of us had our book by ten past twelve! We took some pictures of ourselves with the book (don't look at me funny, a lot of people were doing that!!), and decided to call it a night. Miss K. went back to hunt for her friend after saying goodbye to us, and Miss S. and I hit the road and I was back home in bed reading the first chapter by about 1:30 a.m.!

I didn't expect to be up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 8 a.m., but I was. After breakfast, Mom and I decided to go shopping at the Target center in Paso (which, in retrospect was as bad idea, but we thought it was only going to be in the 90s, not hit a high of 105!), and we picked up a fireproof safe and a new air filter for our furnace/AC, and a new water meter for my grandmother. We looked for a hand-crank emergency radio, too, but didn't see one we liked, and decided we really should do more research before be buy one. Oh, and I got some new workout clothes. Not terribly exciting stuff, I know, but it was just nice to get out of the house and do something fun, even though it was hot enough to melt flesh!

We had lunch at the new Chili's where I had a couple Patron margaritas and the chicken tacos:



It was really delicious! We'd never been to a Chili's before, so it was a nice treat! We wandered through Michael's, OSH, and Famous Footwear while I sobered up enough to drive, then we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home to pick up some ice cream and frozen stuff for dinners this week, and went straight home before the ice cream became a milk shake!

Last night had Trader Joe's basil and chicken sausages, four cheese risotto and some frozen asparagus, and watched the Doctor Who finale, which was AWESOME!!! However, somehow we missed the very last two minutes or so of the show. It wasn't too bad; after all we saw how everything with the Davros and the Daleks was resolved and really just missed the parting shot on Bad Wolf Bay. We can live with that!

Today has been a lazy, relaxing day. I went up to visit my grandparents, gave my grandmother her new water meter - which she was thrilled to get as she'd misplaced her other one - and checked out my grandfather's brand new computer and 19" flat screen monitor. Wow, it's nice! And so fast! Most importantly, thought, it works, unlike his old one which would shut itself down and announce a "thermal event" or something of that nature. He kept track of how many times he turned it on and it shut down, and the last count was 42 times before it finally turned on and stayed on long enough for my uncle to download all grandpa's stuff to a media card to upload onto his new machine.  It's an eMachine brand, which I'd never heard of before. My aunt really loves hers, though, and grandpa got a good deal on the whole set up (including a new printer which he didn't need, so he gave it to my aunt), so he bought it. I'm very happy for him because he loves his computers! Ever since getting that first Atari back in 1970-something-or-other, he's been hooked! He mostly plays card games and does e-mail and watches my cousin play basketball, but it keeps his brain going, which is so important when you're 92!

Tonight I'm going to try a zucchini recipe I found on The Pioneer Woman Cooks! It looks pretty easy and delicious, and I'll update to let you know how it goes! But, now, it's nap time! Cheers!
