And, now, so sad! Baaaarrrrooooooo!!!
(A Very Brief) Rehab Recap

Thursday 13: NaBloPoMo Ideas

Happy November 1st! Happy NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo and NaNoReMo Day One! Phew! I'm exhausted and I just got started! Anyway, this week's list consists of a bunch of blog post ideas I've come up with in the hopes of actually accomplishing at least one blog post per day in November.

1.  100 Words entries. Yes, I'm going to try to do 100 Words again this month along with everything else! I figure if nothing else, I'll be killing two birds with one stone!

2.  A Thankful entry. I joined this group and thought it would be a good idea to try to come up with at least one thing to be thankful for each day this month.

3.  A weekly photo. I love to take pictures, and sometimes they're pretty! I also enjoy playing around with and

4.  A Weekly recipe.  I have several favouirte recipes I plan on making this month, and might even try some new and different ones. None of them are my own, so I will definitly be linking to the source, but I've never shared recipes before, and thought it sounded fun.

5.  Fitness updates. Not that I'm going to turn this into a Fitness or Weight-Loss blog, but I think writing about my progress and/or failures might be helpful to me.

6.  Haiku. I haven't written haiku in a long time, and that's just a crying shame.

7.  The Love List. It's a meme, yes, but one I've been wanting to participate in since I've seen it on Bozoette's blog. Like the Thankful entry, I think reminding myself of what I love will help me stay positive and happy. 

8.  Recaps (FINALLY) of my recent trips to Napa Valley and Rehab (a/k/a, Green Bay, WI).

9.  Christmas card ideas and entry documenting their creation. Starting too early, you say? Perhaps, but I know I'll be pariticipating in at least one Christmas card exchange, so I'll WANT to get started early!

10.  "Day in the Life" entries. Will probably start off with "Today I ..." Feel free to skip over these, as they will most likely be boring with a capital "B".

11.  Exciting news!! Well, who knows? There's 30 days in November, anything can happen!

12.  NaNoWriMo and NaNoReMo updates.

13.  Thursday 13 lists. Well, of course! You didn't think I'd leave it out, did you?
